Wynne School District employee named ASPSF August 2024 Volunteer of the Month

Arkansas Single Parent Scholarship Fund is honored to have volunteers like Sherry Breckenridge, the August 2024 Volunteer of the Month. For Sherry, helping her community — especially young single parents — is a core part of who she is.

“First and foremost, I have a heart and calling to help others,” she said. “I believe that we are each given gifts to use in this life, and I know that mine is service to others. My job satisfaction does not come from my salary, but rather from knowing that I have made a difference in the lives I come into contact with.”

She lives out these values by working for the Wynne School District in various roles that support family engagement, foster care, homelessness prevention, and virtual learning. In particular, her experiences as a single parent and mentoring single moms at Wynne High School drew her to volunteer with ASPSF.

Sherry Breckenridge with ASPSF recipient family
Sherry Breckenridge (left) celebrates ASPSF recipient Baily Birge at a Spring 2024 scholarship ceremony. 

“I have had many opportunities over the years to share my story of infertility, adoption, divorce, single parenting, and having a family member with an addiction,” Sherry said. “I would like to believe that those experiences have allowed me to help others along the way in the ASPSF program as I have encouraged them to find the positives in those difficult times. I truly love what I do!”

Since 2012 — when she joined the SPSF Cross County Board of Directors — Sherry has helped countless single parents by fundraising for scholarships, interviewing applicants, and coordinating scholarship ceremonies, which is her favorite volunteer activity because she can interact with recipients on a deeper level and guide them in the areas they may be struggling with.

“I know the issues and problems that these young single parents face on a daily basis because I lived it for many years,” she said. “I am not just giving advice; I have walked in their shoes and experienced some of the things they are dealing with each day.”

ASPSF Recipient Group Photo with Sherry Breckenridge

Sherry Breckenridge’s (back right) favorite ASPSF volunteer activity is assisting with scholarship ceremonies. Here, she poses for a group photo with Spring 2024 recipients at their scholarship ceremony. 

Thanks to her giving heart, Sherry has connected with many ASPSF recipients, including a single mom who was her late brother’s nurse.

“Watching how she interacted with her patient and our family showed me what a wonderful choice she made in her career path,” Sherry said.  “She connected with my mother, sister, and myself during our time of loss and she has maintained that connection since. That is what nursing is all about and I am so proud of her!”

Thank you, Sherry, for all that you do to help single parents! Because of selfless volunteers like you, ASPSF recipients have a support system to encourage them to achieve their academic and career dreams.